As ASE Certified Technicians, we adhere to the ASE-Certified Technician’s Code of Ethics:
- I will strive to produce nothing but first-class workmanship.
- I will take advantage of every opportunity to increase my knowledge/skills concerning the work I am doing. I will dedicate myself to lifelong learning.
- I will use only those materials that are proven to be safe and recommended by the manufacturer.
- I will recommend to an owner only that work on the vehicle which I believe to be necessary.
- I will treat an owner’s vehicle as I would my own.
- I will attempt to correct any honest mistake made by another technician, without damaging the reputation of that person or their business.
- I will conduct myself so as to maintain and increase the public respect for all ASE-certified technicians.
- I will practice Service Integrity, which means that to the best of my ability I will always work for the best interest of the owner, my employer and myself.